Tag Archives: raindrops

Once Upon A Rainy Night


The smell of rain takes me back,
In those moments of immortality,
An absolute perfection called US,
Cooling down streets we walked,
Wetting us along while we talked,
Letting guards and covers down,
Freely facing our fears in pours,
Scent of nature’s wet wild grass,
Nothing hidden inside our souls,
As one together facing this world,
The feel of rain takes me back,
Raindrops rolling off honey skin,
Fabric clinging on for attention,
Electric hairs at rest on the nape,
Vitals worship the temple of shape,
Love made under lightning lashes,
Stories told of futures intertwined,
Torrents glueing us to an umbrella,
Heading home to fluffed blankets,
A lullaby of showers tap a tin roof,
The sound of rain takes me back,
Feel of breath brushing my neck,
Tingling tickles of warmed toes,
Imprisoned embraces chain us,
Wishing to relive it for a lifetime,
Waking to washed window panes,
Crushed sheets and subtle eyes,
Music of our hearts in harmony,
It’s raining and I’m missing you,
That US once upon a rainy night.

Rodney S. O. Campbell ©

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